Monday, 23 January 2012

Preseason Task #3 - Take control - Set your goals!

Preseason task 3 was unlocked this morning. It calls for us to work out what we want to achieve in the next month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. We also have to work out HOW we'll get there.

So... here are my goals!

12 months: Lose 40kg, run 10km without stopping.
6 months: Lose 20kg, run 5km comfortably without stopping.
3 months: Lose 10kg, finish the Couch to 5k program on iPhone.
1 month: Lose 4kg, run 1km without stopping.

How will I get there, you ask? Well, seeing as my goals are a progression from the first to the last, I'll be doing the same thing for the entire year, which is focussing on food and exercise.

Food: eat 1200 calories per day - record all food on MyFitnessPal
Exercise: follow Couch to 5k program, then move on to Bridge to 10k program. Exercise 6 times per week, including 2 strength sessions per week, and at least 30 minutes of cardio per day. Runs are 3 times per week, so the other days will consist of hill walking on the treadmill, going to the 1000 stairs, other cardio equipment at the gym, or walking/riding outside - record all exercise on MyFitnessPal

I know that there are going to be days when I go over on my calories. I've already done it a few times in the last few weeks. But the more conscious of it I am, the better I will be without going completely out of control. I'm committed to recording everything - good and not so good - in the MyFitnessPal food and exercise diaries. I need to see what I'm doing - and be able to look back and know exactly why I'm getting the results that I'm getting.

Is it bad that I just want this year to be over already? I want my new healthy body - complete with healthy outlook and the ability to maintain all the hard work I will have put in....

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