Tuesday, 24 July 2012

A really long walk.

Today, I went for a really long walk. Just over an hour, just over 6km.

And it was all for nothing, because this afternoon, I ate 2 Mars Bars and 2 Twix Bars. I didn't walk enough to even work them off. What a waste. I don't know why I do it to myself.

Tomorrow is a new day. I'm planning my food, I'll be walking again tomorrow night. I'm trying to reduce my sodium intake as well as my carbs in the evenings.

Shit, this is hard....

Monday, 9 July 2012

Sometimes life gets in the way.

It does. Life gets in the way. It's been another month since I posted, and life has been happening. Nothing major, just normal, everyday life. Working hard, paying bills, saving money, cooking, cleaning, washing. Life. Fun is happening too - dinner, movies, playing, talking, laughing. LIVING.

I'm struggling to fit in exercise - actually, I'm not struggling to fit it in, I'm struggling to make it a priority. I hate when I get obsessive with exercise, so I'm trying not to, but I seem to be going the other way and forgetting it all together. This would be fine if I just stopped being silly with the snacking and the chocolate cravings. Some days I go really well, and other days nothing goes right.

I'm not getting the 10,000 steps a day. I'm not losing weight. But I'm happy. I wonder if I'm finished. I'm not ready to be finished, but I lack the motivation to do what I need to do to get going again. I know I'll get there, but I think I'm going to have a rest from being so 'into it'. I'm happy, and I want to enjoy this time.