Monday, 9 July 2012

Sometimes life gets in the way.

It does. Life gets in the way. It's been another month since I posted, and life has been happening. Nothing major, just normal, everyday life. Working hard, paying bills, saving money, cooking, cleaning, washing. Life. Fun is happening too - dinner, movies, playing, talking, laughing. LIVING.

I'm struggling to fit in exercise - actually, I'm not struggling to fit it in, I'm struggling to make it a priority. I hate when I get obsessive with exercise, so I'm trying not to, but I seem to be going the other way and forgetting it all together. This would be fine if I just stopped being silly with the snacking and the chocolate cravings. Some days I go really well, and other days nothing goes right.

I'm not getting the 10,000 steps a day. I'm not losing weight. But I'm happy. I wonder if I'm finished. I'm not ready to be finished, but I lack the motivation to do what I need to do to get going again. I know I'll get there, but I think I'm going to have a rest from being so 'into it'. I'm happy, and I want to enjoy this time.

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