Monday, 12 November 2012

Fitness Test Time!!

So we have to do a fitness test for the beginning of the 12WBT - to set a benchmark, and then re-test every four weeks to see our improvement. These are my results:

1km time trial - 8:52
Pushups - 6 on toes, 20 on knees
Abdominal test - Level 1 (can touch wrists to knees, but not elbows crossed over chest without lifting feet off the floor)
Wall sit - 30secs
Sit and Reach - 12cm past toes

I don't exactly remember my results from last time I did 12WBT, but I know my time trial was in the 7 minute range. This time might SEEM worse, but I made a point of running the whole thing this time, not sprinting and then walking like I did last time. I stopped for maybe 10 seconds this time and am determined that in 4 weeks time I WILL NOT WALK AT ALL.

My pushups are definitely better on toes (I don't think I did any last time and my highest was 27 on my knees so I've definitely got stronger arms now)

My Ab strength is still crap. Probably because I don't do any core work, except crunches every so often. That will definitely be one of my focuses this round - getting that core sorted out!

Wall sit was a disaster tonight. Could have something to do with having my end of year Cali concert on Saturday night and then doing a 2 hour walk tonight (Monday), but I'm not going to let excuses get in the way any more. Wall sit needs work!

Sit and Reach last time was over 15cm and I know my hammys are very tight from Cali and walking, so it will only get better from here (when I remember to stretch them out after EVERY session which I am quite bad at)

I'm really interested to see my results this time as I'll be following the exercise part to the letter, so I'm really hoping to improve every single one of those benchmarks in the 12 weeks.

In other news, this weekend was massive. I had my end of year Cali concert on Saturday night, stayed at Mum and Dad's Saturday, had my cousin's 30th lunch on Sunday and then a close Cali friend got married Sunday afternoon with the Reception in the evening. Food was all over the shop - I ate (and enjoyed!) everything on offer as kind of a last hurrah. I know I'm not meant to, but I did it anyway. Then because I was tired and didn't have any planning/shopping/cooking time over the weekend, I had a bit of a bender today as well with buying lunch and breakfast out. Cooked a healthy dinner but didn't eat any as I'd eaten a lovely afternoon tea of cheese and crackers that put me WAY over my cals and I wasn't actually hungry when I thought about it (strange... usually I would just eat it because it's dinner time!) And the big win for today? No snacks after dinner. I enjoy a little something sweet after every meal, and that is a habit I hope to break with a little help from Mish and her friends. Plus I went for a walk that turned into a 10km walk and didn't really want to undo all the hard work by scoffing mindlessly on something sweet.

And now it's late and I'm going to lay out my clothes for my Lake Walk in the morning and go to bed. Aiming for 8 hours, so I've gotta be in bed by 10 every night. It's 10:24. Crap.

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