Thursday, 2 May 2013

I'm almost out of my 20s!! ARGH!!

So I know I'm turning 30, and I've known it for a while. But the fact that I'm leaving my 20s only occurred to me this afternoon. All afternoon and evening, I've been thinking about it, reflecting, considering, dreaming. You know what I realised? It's a new fucking beginning. I went into my 20s an insecure, shy, immature little girl. My, how I've changed. I'll be heading into my 30s stronger, much more confident, slightly more mature. But most importantly, I think I'm actually happy.

I was never depressed, I was not suicidal. But I WAS unhappy. I remember my last day as a teenager vividly - I got my tongue pierced! I also remember ripping up a cheeseburger and shoving the mouthfuls right to the back of my mouth to swallow so I didn't have to chew or use my tongue. I don't know what I was trying to prove (perhaps a little bit of rebellion?), but I was determined to eat right from the outset, and not let the fact that I'd had a barbell driven through my tongue (trauma anyone?) deter me from my daily cheeseburger from good old McDonalds. The next few years were filled with me giving in to my every thought about food.

We all know where this led... Cut to 2010, I weighed in at a work 'Biggest Loser' competition at 135kg.

What's going to be different in my 30s? I'm not sure how I will spend my last day in my 20s, but I know I'll be eating LnE food, probably spend a bit of time at the gym (or walking the streets if the weather is nice!), and probably go to bed early. What a rager. Haha. I'm spending my actual birthday at Mum's place, cooking and preparing for my party the next day. I'll be celebrating with dinner. Then the party! I can't believe I'm holding Mum back from making lots of sweets, not because I don't want to be tempted, but because I believe that it's not necessary to have plates and plates of food for people to have a good time. Fuck me, I've changed!

I'll still be having a champers or 4. I'll be indulging in party food, having cake. But one thing will change. The 'party' won't continue for the next ten years. The fun police won't be out in force or anything ridiculous like that, but I will be living a NORMAL life, with NORMAL food and exercise. Exercise WILL be a part of my life, every day. And it won't be exercise to work off the chocolate binge from the night before.

My life is changing. I can't wait to be 30!!

1 comment:

  1. I was at the same turning point when I turned 30. I was determined to never, ever have another birthday where I was unhappy with myself. It feels so great to leave all the BS behind and look to the future! Hope you have a Happy birthday! xx
