I've realised it's been a little while since I posted, but no-one needs to read about the daily grind (get up, go to work, come home, get changed, go to gym, eat dinner, go to sleep, start again).... at least not every day!
Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and I got my very first EVER Valentine's present from my beautiful boy. We've been together six months (on Sunday!) and he is just gorgeous. This is going to sound mean... but if you knew me, you'd get this next part. He's such a loser! Haha, but so am I so we're perfect for each other. He sent flowers to my work, and I gave him a set of new saucepans. He's so romantic, I just hate his saucepans.
I decided my rest day would be V-Day as I'd planned to cook D a romantic dinner, complete with massage. He certainly appreciated that, especially after I made him replace my tail-lights on my car, fix my toilet, and help fold the washing as soon as he got to my place. We're a team, and he certainly pulls his weight when I'm around. That will change when we're married, he's knocked me up a few times, and I spend all day at home cooking, cleaning and looking after our babies. But while we're both working full-time, he helps me, and of course I help him when we're at his place!
Anyway, there was a point to that ramble.... ummm.. yeah - I weighed in this morning!! First real weigh-in of the 12WBT and I'm down another 700g. Woohoo!!! 107.1kg this morning. Can't wait to see that number go under 100 - definitely will happen by the end of the program but I'm shooting for halfway. A girl can dream, can't she?
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