Thursday, 15 August 2013

It's hard to be good...

... and I'm not doing it very well. I'm awesome at exercising. My average daily step count is on the rise, but my calorie count is too. Grr... I'm making terrible choices, and I can't explain why. I know exactly what I'm doing, and deep down I don't WANT to do it, but I just can't seem to break my bad habits. I don't want it badly enough to not do it.

I know I don't have many regular readers... but please... give me your top tip?

1 comment:

  1. Oh god do I hear you!! This is a problem I have a lot and I wish I had a magic fix for you.
    If you're anything like me, deprivation is what makes me go haywire. If I think I can't/shouldn't have something, I want it more and more until I'm obsessed with it. So I guess my top tip is don't rule anything out, just try to make the option a little less "bad".
    For example, say you want a hamburger - okay but get a decent on like Grill'd, not a crappy McChucks one, because you deserve nice things and you'll regret it less. Then choose a burger that has lots of salad or just a plain burger. Then maybe leave aside the top part of the bun.
    Just make simple, small changes that make what you've chose just that tiny bit healthier and before you know it, you'll be back in the head space where you want to be. Be kind to yourself - changing long term habits takes time and nobody is perfect! Hope this helps xx
