Sunday, 4 August 2013

The final day of Round 2 of the 12WBT 2013.

Ahh, a day to reflect.

Today is the last day I can access stuff on the 12WBT site, and I've decided not to sign up for the next round. I panicked this afternoon and almost signed up, but I couldn't justify it, either to myself, or to the voices in my head telling me to do it. I did, however, go through the PDFs I have saved on my laptop and add the recipes from this round that weren't yet saved. Hey, I paid good money for this program, and I'm going to get my money's worth!

What have I learned over the last 12 months with Michelle Bridges? Fuckloads. Excuse my language, but I have learned SO much. About nutrition, about exercise, about myself. Most importantly, I learned that I am enough. I can do this on my own. It's going to be hard, but I can do it. So, funnily enough, I returned to the 'Preseason Tasks' that Mish lays out for her followers before every Round. I thought about what I want to do, how I'm going to get there, and why I'm worth the work. It's important to set goals and have a plan to achieve them.

What are my goals? Well, I'm taking a reality check. Every round I've done of 12WBT, I've set realistic but slightly out of reach goals. And I'm yet to achieve 99% of them... so this time, I'm keeping it real. I've got my food and exercise data for the last 2 months, and I've set a fairly reachable target of slightly better than the average of the last 2 months. Haha. My daily calories after exercise are around 1650 (average for the last two months), and my daily step count average is around 6500. My goals for August:

Have a daily net calorie average of 1500
Have a daily average step count of 8000

These goals are measurable. They're specific. They're reachable. If the last 12 months have shown me anything, it's that I set goals, and I lose motivation to follow through. I make grand statements about what I'm going to do, and I genuinely have the intention to follow through at the time. But I can't sustain it. I can't LIVE like that for the rest of my life. I won't exercise and eat well EVERY SINGLE MINUTE for the rest of my life. But I can commit to doing it to the best of my ability MOST of the time.

Can do.

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