Tuesday, 30 July 2013

When the bug gets you...

...Sometimes you have to give in to the bug!

I'm sick. Not dying, just sick. Snotty, sniffly, headachey. No body aches just yet, and no strange sweats, so it could be worse! The timing, however, could not be worse.

One of the ladies in the other office is on leave, and so I'm taking care of some of her duties for 3 weeks. It's a big step up, and a chance to prove myself to my manager's manager. It's a big opportunity that I've been asking for in my last 3 performance reviews. I started training last week, and yesterday (Monday) was my last day with Carol. She left this morning for Europe.

Anyway.. I started feeling crap on Friday, and over the weekend, got worse. We had our annual Bunnings fundraiser sausage sizzle on Sunday, which I spent the whole day at (money girl for me... no germs on the snags!) so didn't rest as much as I should have. I got up bright and early Monday morning, and headed into work. At 10am, they sent me home. I was sniffing, coughing, and wiping my eyes for a good two hours, and it was decided that I shouldn't be there. On my last day of training, with hesitation, I went home.

And slept! Monday is my big day - work from 7-3, straight to cali to coach, then straight to my own class, finishing at 10pm, home by 11:30pm, in bed (hopefully) by midnight, ready to get up at 6 again. Yesterday though, I slept from 10:30 until 2:30, then headed off to cali. I got home late, and slept in again this morning.

The good news is that today went a LOT more smoothly. I worked the whole day (with my box of tissues beside me!), came home, went to the gym for an easy stroll on the hill program on the treadmill, and had a good dinner. I feel a lot better for sleeping yesterday, even if it made today at work a little more difficult, having 1 less day to practice the complicated spreadsheet with assistance.

I didn't want to give in to the bug and go home, but I HAD to. Today, I was much better for it, having shortened my very long Monday, sleeping properly last night, and taking it a bit easier today. I probably could have gone harder at the gym, but I think I would have ruined myself for tomorrow. Time to take it easy!!

See you on the other side, final weigh in for 12WBT tomorrow. I've decided not to sign up for the next round, but to stay connected with the Facebook group that I joined a few rounds ago to keep up with weigh-ins and timelines with them. 125 days until the wedding!!!

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