Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Lazy Wednesday? Maybe not!

This afternoon we got home from work, and Dave said the magic words. 'I can't be bothered going to the gym tonight'. Woohoo!! No gym!!

But. I. Have. Hardly. Moved. Today. Seriously, 2,000 steps on my fitbit are not enough, especially when my goal is 10,000. What is a girl to do? I couldn't be arsed going to the gym. We ate dinner early (done and dusted by 7pm) and then I settled in for a night of couch time. An hour later, I realised I still was no closer to my 10,000 steps.

So I got up, off my arse, and walked on the spot. Sometimes I jogged, sometimes I marched, sometimes I just jiggled up and down like a loony. It's 9:24pm, and I'm done. 10,023 steps. I'm not sweating like a pig, but my legs are pinging, which means I must have done SOMETHING. I haven't burned 6 million calories, but I've burned a few more than two hours of sitting on the couch would have.

My weigh in this morning was better than I expected - I lost 200g. With the week I've had, it's nothing short of a miracle. Maybe making Mum walk around Chadstone and taking it easy at breakky and lunch so I could still have sinful snacks all day was worth it. I can't wait until Friday night, and the next LnE delivery. I've been making do with whatever leftovers I had in the freezer and it's been difficult to stick to good food. I've succumbed to the Fundraising Freddos on more than one occasion this week. I know I'll never stick to LnE 100%, but 90% is definitely better than nothing.

I need to remember that the crap food will always be here. I can actually eat it whenever I want. But do I really want it? Or can I have it another day? Am I going to feel any better for having it, or am I going to feel better eating proper food? It will all be worth it when the wedding dress needs to be taken in, and the ski hire place in Canada doesn't look at me wondering if they can squeeze me into clothing for the snow. It will be worth it when my knees stop clicking, my stretch marks are empty, and my stomach is flatter. It will be worth it when my stomach swells with life, rather than a food baby. It will be worth it when I'm healthier, fitter, and shinier!!

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