Sunday, 7 July 2013

The Biggest Lollie Shop in the World!

I went there today. I was like a heroin addict. My mouth was watering, my eyes couldn't take it all in. I wanted to grab one of everything and spend the rest of the day on the couch in a sugar coma. Oh, what I would have given to do that...

We were there because we're doing lolly bags for the wedding. I LOVE lolly bags. They're my favourite part of any party, and I'm not getting married without them! We bought the boxes for them yesterday, and I wanted to price the lollies and see what sort of variety we could get in there. It turns out there isn't much out there (the shop was big, but full of a lot of crap), but they had all of my favourites. We DID NOT DARE buy everything we need now - mainly because there is no way I'm having a house full of lollies for six months and not eating them!! We walked out of there with a Kit Kat and a Chomp and we enjoyed the shit out of them after lunch.

Earlier today, we went to Comic-Con. That was funny. Dave was on a massive high beforehand, he was excited at what memorabilia he would be buying. We set a budget, and went in. Some people are REALLY into dressing up. We saw a guy dressed like this on the way in...

And also a lot more leotards than I would have expected. On men. We had a good time looking at all the stuff on each display - and it turns out it wasn't what Dave expected in terms of what would be there, so we didn't buy anything. We had plenty of time to go to the lolly shop, so that's where we ended up.

I realised something when we were there. The old me would have spent about $100, taken my big bag of sugary goodness home, and demolished it within a few hours. As I stared at the endless shelves of deliciousness, I realised that I am NOT prepared to do the work that is required to work them off. I want the work that I am doing to work off my past binges, not my future ones. I fully intend to start 2014 with a healthy mind and body, not just pretend to like I usually do. I'm going to be an awesome wife (I'm a pretty awesome girlfriend who went to Comic-Con with her boyfriend, even though she wasn't really into it, but secretly wanted to be...) when I marry the man of my dreams on the last day of 2013. I don't want to be marrying him in this body, well, I do, but just not the whole body as it is now.  A little less of it would be good.

So all the work I'm doing at the gym, refusing to give in to cravings, jogging on the spot like a mad woman when I go to the loo at work... it'll pay off. And then I can eat ALL THE LOLLIES at the wedding. Just for one night :)

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