Sunday, 8 September 2013

A big weekend

Yeah, I had one! Two days off work this week because of the snot monster, and I had a massive weekend. My team had a cali comp on Saturday night, and the kids I teach had one this afternoon (Sunday). I slept in on Saturday, and left myself with not a lot of time to get ready and go to the comp. I fully intended on getting up and going for a walk in the morning to ensure I got my 10,000 steps, but that didn't happen. I ended up with 7,500 for the day, which was fairly good considering when I left the house I had under 1,000.

We went really well at our comp - shaky start, then ended solidly and came second overall. It was on the other side of town, so it took me over 2 hours to get home. It was a long night that ended with a long hot shower, and me crawling into bed just after 2am. Dave woke me up at 8am, because he thought I needed to go, but I'd neglected to tell him I didn't need to leave until later. He's used to the kids comps starting early in the morning, so I can't be mad at him. He remembered that I had something to do, and thought he'd be in trouble if he let me sleep. He's a keeper.

I couldn't go back to sleep, so watched the last few episodes of Gilmore Girls (final season... bawled my eyes out!!) and headed out to the kid's comp. They did a great job, but no results on the board. They're a really young, inexperienced team and they did well just to remember their routines and get through them, so I'm proud. I got home at around 7pm, checked Fitty, and was devastated that I only had 3,500 steps for the day. It seems like so much running around at a comp, but it's really just tiring trying to keep nine 7-year-olds occupied for 4 hours, on track with getting ready for each item on time, making sure they're toileted and fed and not being too rowdy.

Anyhoo, seeing as I'd failed my challenge the day before, I thought 'there's no way I'm missing out today!', so I got changed, headed to the gym, and smashed out an hour on the treadmill, ending with just under 12,000 steps for the day. I'm over 10,000 for an average in Steptember, but I don't want to be able to carry steps over - each day is seperate in my head. I can't start making up steps the next day, or having a big day and then a small day the next, just because I average it out. I plan on Saturday being my only 'below 10k' day this month. There isn't much else in the calendar that will spoil that, so it'll just be me getting off my ass and making it happen. Easy.

Food this weekend has been fairly awful. Friday was a disaster - all completely conscious decisions, but I felt so sick after gorging on Maccas breakky, KFC lunch and pizza dinner. I was over by 3,000 calories, just for Friday alone, but the feeling will stay with me for a while. I felt so gross. I can't believe I used to eat like that 2-3 times a week. Ew. Saturday and Sunday were both much better, still a few things that I shouldn't have had, but I feel better for it. Tomorrow's weigh-in will tell the tale.

Food really is my big struggle... I've decided that October will be CHOCtober, which means no chocolate. That will be extremely hard. Painful, even. But it needs to be done.

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