Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Steptember Day 2 & 3

How did I go on my first Mad Monday? It was a crazy one, let me tell you! Mondays are huge for me - I work 7am-3pm, jump in the car for an hour to cali, teach for 2.5 hours, jump in the car and drive around to another hall and then have my own cali class for 3 hours. Then it's an hour's trip back home which usually sees me coming through the door at about 11:30pm. Not ideal for a girl trying to fit in at least an hour's exercise each day. Cali is DEFINITELY exercise, but it's not that high on the step count, so I had my work cut out for me.

I miss my morning walk on a Monday, so felt behind the 8-ball to begin with. By the time I got in the car at 3pm I only had 2,000 steps :( I made the effort to try to remember to jiggle up and down in what I have coined 'the wee dance' as much as possible. I did have at least 3 different people ask me if I needed to go to the loo (hence the name!). Practice finished on time and I didn't hang around to chat like I usually do, so I walked in the door at around 11pm. Checking my Fitty, I found that I was 1,500 steps short for the day, with an hour to go. Normally, I get home, shower, and get into bed to try to get enough sleep before the dreaded alarm goes off. Not last night! Last night, I ran the circuit that is our loungeroom/kitchen area, jogging on the spot sometimes, for the 15 minutes it took to rack up the steps. I remember thinking 'geez I'm a loony' for most of it.

Funnily enough, Dave didn't notice. Or he didn't comment, one or the other. He knows I'm doing this challenge, so it wouldn't surprise me if he just ignored me like he does when I'm being silly. Anyway, i snuggled into bed at 11:50pm with a smug 10,500 steps on the clock. Go me.

Day 3 went a little differently. We had an appointment to go to this afternoon, which meant I had to leave work at 3:30pm, meaning I had to start by 7:30am. There goes my morning walk AGAIN. No! It doesn't! I left the car at Dave's work and walked to mine - it's only 15 minutes away, but 15 minutes each way is almost half of my daily steps! After the appointment, we were driving home discussing whether or not we were going to the gym. I checked, and needed 4,000 steps to hit my target. Gym? Yes! 30 minutes on the cross trainer gave me what I needed, and I am good for the day. Two more days ticked off the list for 10,000 steps daily. Now there's just the small problem of food. Did I make the right choices? No.



I didn't stop at Maccas on Monday at any point, which was a good start, and something that I usually do either straight after work, after practice, or both. I did, however, stop at Coles and get a packet of fairy cakes that put me 1,000 calories over my allowance for Monday. Boo. Day 3 went much more smoothly, with a full LnE day only marred by a big bag of Maltesers that went down way too easily while sitting at my desk today. I've got a hundred or so calories left tonight, even after my Malteser 'episode' and I'm feeling positive about tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I have no stash left. No sneaky Maltesers in desk drawers. No chocolate or packets of lollies. Nothing. The purchases from my last binge session are gone, and I've promised myself I won't be making a trip to Coles this week to replenish my sugar bucket. I've got a few LnE snacks stashed in my drawer at work ready for munchie time - sweet, savoury, crunchy and soft. They all must be gone before I resort to another shop. Surely for the next 3 days, I can stick to LnE?  A little mini-challenge. Yes.

Looking forward to my walk along the beach in the morning - it was a lovely 25 degrees today and we're headed for 26 tomorrow so the morning should be nice. Tomorrow's step count should be easily reached by midday and a trip to the gym in the evening will be a bonus. The second part of my mini-challenge will be to rid my body of those extra 1,000 calories that the fairy cakes left in my tummy. Or is it ON my tummy? Or my butt? It's there somewhere...

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