Sunday, 24 March 2013

I'm giving up.

Giving up and handing over.

Michelle Bridges is a wonderful, inspirational woman. Her program is easy to follow, spells everything out for you, and is everything you need to get going and lose weight.

Except I ALWAYS buy extra stuff when I go to the supermarket, and then I eat whatever takes my fancy, sometimes with no regard to portion size. I don't plan sufficiently so when I'm starving hungry, there's nothing to eat. With my life the way it is right now, I don't have time to NOT plan. I don't have time to spend an hour preparing a meal, a few hours on the weekend planning my food around my schedule, prepping, shopping, cooking. There's just too much room for excuses to pop their heads up! Over the last six weeks, and let's face it, the last 18 months, I've let excuses get in the way of my success.

I've exercised fairly regularly. There's no excuse there. I walked 50 bloody kilometres in one day, for pete's sake, and this has got me NOWHERE.

I'm tired of talking about it, I just want to do it. So I'm giving up. Giving up control of my food choices. Handing over to someone else to shop, prepare, and cook for me. Handing over to someone else to plan what I'm eating, and when I'm eating it.

Dave and I started Lite N Easy on Friday. 7 days a week, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will be provided to us. No planning, no prepping, no shopping, no cooking. The only decision I have to make is what to order from the limited choices provided. It's how I lost 20kg a couple of years ago, and how I'll lose the next 20kg.

It won't be a quick, cheap, road to success. I won't wake up one day magically the skinny girl I long to be. It will take time, and determination. It will take numerous trips to the gym, many litres of water, and many hours of effort. It will take saying NO to the things I want now, so that I can have the thing I want MOST. To be a healthy, happy role model for my children, when I am lucky enough to have them.

I do not want my daughter to struggle with her weight for 30 years, like I have. The cycle will be broken.

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