Friday, 8 March 2013

This time last week I was...

... walking. Nearly finished. Wondering just how long it would be until the end.

I haven't walked at all this week. The first few days I spent trying to shuffle through life. The last few days I've really taken it easy as I've been exhausted. The last 2 nights I've been in bed by 830, asleep by 930. I thought about going for a stroll last night, but tried putting my shoes on and got a lot of flack from my feet. My toenails are just not ready to be contained just yet. They feel bruised, and to be honest, they probably are!

My big toe on my right foot had a blister underneath the nail that popped on Tuesday. It was gross!! I lifted the corner up because it was itchy and all this goo just oozed out. EW! Monday night at Cali, the blister that was my little toe on my right foot ripped off. EW!

My big toe on my left foot is worrying me. It's slightly tingly - it started off as numb on Sunday and has got slightly better each day, but is still tingly. I went to the doctor on Tuesday, and walked out extremely disappointed. I didn't go to my normal doctor as I didn't want to make the hour long trip back home to see the only doctor I've seen since I was born. This dude didn't give me any confidence to go out and find a new doctor AT ALL. He spent 20 minutes lecturing me about my weight, and his concerns about me having poor circulation from diabetes (which apparently is the reason I have pins and needles in my toe, not the fact that I have had major trauma to the area walking for 14 hours in harsh conditions). He left me to make an appointment to have blood tests for diabetes and cholesterol (which were all checked in my work health check less than six months ago and in the normal range) done and to see 'someone who will help me to start an exercise program'. Ummm... excuse me sir... did I not just tell you that I walked 50km the other day? Did I not just tell you I have lost 25 kilos and am planning on losing another 25? Do you think that I don't know I'm fat? Thanks man, for telling me that I'm worthless in your eyes, for judging me when you first saw me without LISTENING to me.

Google was much more informative. It told me to give my feet a chance to heal, to relax after the stress, to become strong again. So that's what I'm doing. There is no pain, just a little tingle. I think it'll be another week until I'm back in the shoes pounding the pavement, but I'll bloody be out there!!

Eff you, Dr Knows-Nothing-About-Me-And-Refuses-To-Listen. I might be fat, and I might be going really slowly, but I WILL GET THERE. In spite of you.

PS - I'm watching promos for Biggest Loser 'Next Generation' and cannot wait for it to begin!!

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