Tuesday, 19 March 2013

My poor feets!

It's been ages since I posted... because nothing is happening!

My feet really took a beating on the walk. I lost my big toenail on one foot, and the other one looks awful.

That was my toe last week when half of it had come off.
And now my two big toes. Lefty is bruised and battered, Righty has hardly any nail and is swollen. Lefty also has some pins and needles, which becomes more prominent when exercising. There are also various skin rippages everywhere, old blisters' covers coming off, and lots of other exciting feet related things happening.

My legs are also taking FOREVER to recover. Each Monday, I have Cali, and for the next 3 days, I can hardly walk! My Achilles tendons are so tight, my quads and hamstrings scream at me when I do simple things like sit down and stand up. I really didn't think it would take this long to feel normal again, but maybe there isn't a normal for me any more??

I went to the gym once last week, and plan on going again this week on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Maybe the weekend too, but we'll see how I go. I'll be taking it easy, but I need to get back into exercising every day. My weight is on the way up again, and that needs to stop. Only 100gms a week, but over the year, I'll be up 5kg!!

I had a chat with Dave, and we're starting Lite N Easy this week. Back in the beginning, 3 years ago, I did Lite N Easy for 12 weeks and lost almost 20kg. The only exercise I did was walking, 5 days a week, for about an hour. Not brisk walking either, just walking. On the 12WBT, I've really loved the new recipes and the exercise plans. My downfall has always been food, and with 12WBT, I go to the supermarket. With Lite N Easy, there is no supermarket. The problem with the supermarket is all the other food that is there. I buy it, even when I know I shouldn't. Then I eat it. More than I should. No More. There will be no reason for me to go to the supermarket now. Just eat what I get given. Easy.

Oooh... I had my first manicure on the weekend. I haven't bitten my nails for 3 weeks and thought that deserved rewarding!!

I got Shellac too, so now it's almost impossible to bite.

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